作者:        发布时间:星空体育-03-03        点击数:







      Bioinformatics (computational biology) has become a powerful approach in analyzing the booming biological data, understanding the fundamental biological processes and reshaping the way biological research is being done. In this talk, I will introduce the basic concept of Bioinformatics and its potential applications in various academic and industrial fields such as genome sequencing, drug design and public health. Bioinformatics is a multidiscipline involving Information Science and Biology. The important role of Information Science in Bioinformatics will be discussed. As a case of bioinformatics study, I will show our research on potassium (K) channels focusing on the gating mechanism as well as the interaction between the channels and small signaling molecules. Some other interesting studies about nanomedicine, G-protein-coupled receptor, sweet-tasted receptor etc. will be also involved.


       Dr. Xuanyu Meng graduated with a Chemistry PhD degree from Jilin University in 2011. Since 2009, she was trained in Biophysics at Medical School in Virginia Commonwealth Univeristy (VCU), USA, as a joint training PhD student. After graduation, she continued her study in VCU as a research fellow. In May 2014, she joined School of Radiation Mediation and Protection, Medical College, Soochow University as an associate professor. She has gained extensive research expertise in the area of bioinformatics approach applied to chemistry and nano- and bio-science. She has written one book chapter and published 20+ SCI papers in high impact journals, including Acs NanoScientific ReportsCarbonBiophysical Journal, Natural Chemical Biology, Science Advances, Journal of Biological Chemistry, etc. She currently holds on a National Natural Science foudation of China youth funding.


Selective Publications

1. Gu Z, Plant LD, Meng X-Y*, Perez-Aguilar JM, Wang Z, Dong M, Logothetis DE*, Zhou R*, Acs Nano, Accepted, IF=13.942. *corresponding author.

2. Ma D, Meng X-Y*, Bell DR, Liu S, Zhou R*, Carbon, 星空体育, 127, 667-75, IF=6.337. *corresponding author.
3. Meng X-Y, Liu S, Cui M, Zhou R, Logothetis DE. Scientific Reports. 2016;6. IF=5.228
4. Meng X-Y, Zhang H-X, Logothetis Diomedes E, Cui M. Biophysical Journal. 2012;102(9):2049-59. IF=3.632
5. Zhang M, Meng X-Y, Cui M, Pascal JM, Logothetis DE, Zhang J-F. Nature Chemical Biology. 2014;10(9):753-9. IF=12.709
6. Zhang M, Meng X-Y, Zhang J-f, Cui M, Logothetis DE. Science Advances. 2015;1(6). 
7. Xu Y*, Wang Y*, Meng X-Y*, Zhang M, Jiang M, Cui M, Tseng G-N. Biophysical Journal. 2013;105(11):2461-73. IF=3.632 *co-first author
8. Meng X-Y, Li B, Liu S, Kang H, Zhao L, Zhou R. Scientific reports. 2016;6. IF=5.228
9. Liu S*, Meng X-Y*, Perez-Aguilar JM, Zhou R. Scientific Reports. 2016;6. IF=5.228 *co-first author
10. Meng X-Y, Mezei M, Cui M.. Curr Pharm Biotechnol. 2014;15(10):996-1006. IF=2.459.
11. Meng X-Y, Zhang H-X, Mezei M, Cui M. 2011;7(2):146-57. IF=1.155
12. Meng X-Y, Zheng Q-C, Zhang H-X. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics. 2009;1794(7):1066-72. IF=3.016
      最后修改日期: 2017-11-29
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